Governing Documents & Resources


The CFES Constitution outlines the core values and operational structure of the CFES. This includes describing the CFES’ guiding principles, outlining membership within the CFES, and providing basic information about elections, positions, and activities. 

CFES bylaws

The CFES Bylaws provide further details on the guidelines provided by the Constitution, and outline several parts of the CFES’ operations in more detail. This includes detailed position descriptions for the CFES Board of Directors positions, details on membership conditions and fees, and details on the CFES’ general meetings.

CFES Strategic plan

The CFES Strategic Plan is a document that outlines key priorities and themes for the continuous improvement of the organization. Each plan spans three years and is developed based on the development and execution of prior plans and additional consultation.


The CFES Policy Manual describes the operational policies of the CFES in detail. This includes position descriptions for CFES commissioner positions, financial policy, and details on CFES elections procedures along with several other policies guiding the CFES’ operations.

CFES document of stances

The document of stances is a document that the CFES continues to uphold to advocate on behalf of engineering students, influence decision making regarding the engineering curriculum and the shape the future of the engineering profession.